
Prophetess who saw Covid-19 says the plague has been lifted in the spirit realm


Prophetess who saw Covid-19 says the plague has been lifted in the spirit realm


A Nigerian prophetess currently in the United Kingdom, Margaret Ade Mayaki who saw an imminent disaster upon the world has said the plague of covid-19 has been lifted in the spirit world asking children of God to start thanking God.


God had spoken to Mayaki eight months ago about the disaster.


She immediately took to her Facebook timeline to relay the message. You can watch the message here.


In the message, Mayaki who is the founder of Broken Hearted Ministries had said an impending judgement was coming on nations in the world that have no fear of the Lord.


She said the “the Lord spoke to me 6 a.m London time that there is coming a cleansing that is coming on the world on nations that are shedding innocent blood, that are perverse in their ways, worshiping foreign gods, nations that are oppressive to widows and orphans. There is coming a cleansing fire that will sweep across the nations.”


The Lord said, “I will cause disaster in their lands, I will turn my deaf hears to their cries. I will come suddenly upon them and strike them. I am on my mercy seat now, make haste now and turn to me.


Prophetess Mayaki

“The Lord said I should tell his children those who are shedding innocent gods, perverse in their ways, worshiping foreign gods, nations that are oppressive to the widows and orphans, leaders that have not sought my face for wisdom and direction, I will hit their economy. I will cause disaster in their nations. I will cause natural disaster. I will come suddenly upon them and strike them. Make haste now and turn to me.”


Mayaki however said in a telephone interview from her London base with Church Times on Monday March 30 that the plague has been lifted.


This is coming after the end of a seven-day fast that she requested that believers across the world should embark on.

She said “the Lord has removed the plague from our various nations. He is a merciful God. Each time we call upon Him sincerely from our hearts He will hear us. Our God is a jealous God. He is a consuming fire. Those who are worshiping idols should stop. The plague is over. Praise him in your various dialects and languages. Lift up holy hands and adore him.”

Story By Gbenga Osinaike