The General Secretary of the National Prayer Movement, Mr Gbemiga Olakunle has called on Nigerians never to wish the nation a military coup.He also urged people to refrain from making negative confessions that could be explored in the spirit realm to keep Nigeria in the mud.Olakunle made the plea in a statement made available to Church Times on Saturday, September 23
Apparently reacting to Obasasanjo’s recent interview where he said he would not support military coups but if it happens what can we do? Olakunle said “No one, especially those that are considered to be Elder statesmen, should wish this Nation a Military Coup. Elder statesman’s body language should not even suggest such an anomaly talk less of insinuating it through their statements.”
Olakunle said further in the statement, “Whenever we are passing through or facing unpleasant situations as individuals, families, Communities, or even a Nation, let us learn to make positive confessions that will provoke potent spiritual backing to lead us to take certain steps to reverse the unpleasant situations in our favour. “
Confession is potent
He pleaded with Nigerians not to give up on the Nation. “It shall be well with us and our Nation- Nigeria, notwithstanding the seemingly unpleasant situations that we may be passing through in JESUS’ Name. Confessions, whether positive or negative are potent declarations that have spiritual backings.
“They can be declared into one’s life, family, Community, or even a Nation. Challenges of life or negative circumstances should not prompt us to make negative Confessions.” Olakunle said.
He called on Christians to keep on applying the appropriate Word of GOD to the country’s situations. “For example, the Book of Psalms is full of such positive confessions. Among many others, Psalm 102 verse 13 declares “Thou shall arise and have mercy on Zion, for the time to favour her, yea, the set time comes. We should learn to make this confession and watch God bring salvation to us.”
Quoting Psalm 118 verse 17 says, *”I shall not die, but live to declare the works of the LORD.”*, he said, “We should use our tongues to pray against anything untoward and banish the activities of the devil in our land. “
He called on stakeholders in the Nigerian state to pray for the well-being of the Nation and continue to offer advice to its Leadership. “Unto whom much is given, much should be expected,” he said.