NIGERIA @ 64 : That it may be well with our nation

By Gbemiga OLAKUNLE, JP 

“And she called unto her husband, and said, Send me I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the asses, that I may run to the Man of GOD and come again. 

“And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him today? It is neither new moon nor Sabbath. And she said, IT SHALL BE WELL”.-II Kings 4:22-23, KJV.

 The account of the story contained in II Kings 4: 17-37 from where the above quotation is taken is very instructive and a demonstration of a high degree level of Faith. It was the story of the Shunammite woman whose son was brought back to life by Prophet Elisha after the young boy passed on suddenly a few hours after he developed a headache.  

This was a boy that was miraculously conceived through the Ministry of Prophet Elisha as a mark of gratitude to the Shunnamite’s woman for being nice to him and catering to the Prophet’s needs. And all of a sudden, the Miracle Son passed on. Instead of wailing and crying for her loss, the woman summoned courage and decided to report the matter to the Man of GOD.  

Nothing could be more devastating in the situation that the woman found herself and yet she decided to exercise her faith in the Giver of all Perfect Gifts – our GOD the Almighty.  

We too as individuals, Communities, and even as a Nation might have found ourselves in precarious situations or life-threatening challenges in the areas of our finances, health, relationships/ disappointments, or even lack of good governance on the part of our Political Leaders. And rather than joining the company of wailers as a people who have no hope,  we should instead learn to shift our focus on GOD and expect Him to turn the tide in our favour as we exercise our faith in Him through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.   

As we continue to look unto JESUS CHRIST Who is the Author and Finisher of our faith, He will not allow the battles of life to overcome us as individuals, families, or Communities. And as a Nation, He will not allow the Socio-Economic and Political challenges to drown us. Our GOD the Omnipotent can either touch the hearts of Powers who are making life unbearable for others or even displace them if they fail to yield to His entreaties.  

In a nutshell, IT SHALL BE WELL is a Message of Encouragement to us as individuals to enable us continue to keep our Hope Alive in GOD in whatever situation we may find ourselves.  The same Message applies to our beloved Nation – Nigeria whose ship is still wading through turbulent waters and economic storms at 64. May we receive GOD’S Abundant Grace to see us through and make us overcome these challenging times in JESUS’ Name. And so It shall be well with us as individuals, families, Communities, and as a Nation in JESUS’ Name.

 Shalom and Happy Independence Anniversary to us as a Nation.

Olakunle is the General Secretary of the National Prayer Movement

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