
Message from the Lord for 2024 as revealed to Rev Mrs Cecelia Onitiri

Rev Mrs. Cecelia Onitiri



Sunday, October 22 2023 @14:55p.m

 Scripture for the year 2024: Matthew 6:25-34.

 The theme for the year

Sunday, October 22 2023 18:30p.m

“Focus on Me and My Promises says the Lord”

Saturday, October 28 @ 1:10a.m

I bring you promise of hope. Hope for something new. But you must have enduring patience. Yes, enduring patience you must have. Learn to focus on Me and My Word. Do not let your focus shift from Me. Trust in Me.

Circumstances around you, indeed circumstances around the universe are dire. Is the universe turning upside down? Fearful things, fearful events are looming everywhere and every day. Uncertainty is the order of the day.

There is lack, fighting, killings, displacement, and environmental changes. Hunger and bitterness are leading men to commit atrocities, both against themselves and against others. Are these not sufficient to cause disorder, worry, anxiety, stress, and despair? But despite all the happenings focus on Me. Do not worry, you are valuable to me.

When you keep your focus on Me, then hope is on the horizon.

In your Nation Nigeria, you should shift your focus from man to Me. You are going through avoidable hardship because you put trust in man. Put your trust in Me and focus on Me. Men will deceive you, give you false hope, false promises, and abandon you. I will not leave you, I will not forsake you. So long as you focus on Me, hope is on the way. 5:00a.m


Friday, Dec. 29 @ 5:53a.m

Yes, hope is on the way for I will do that which I have promised you to do – I will judge the wicked. I will judge those causing confusion in your land, the selfish arrogant ones. They are so sure of themselves – oppressing and behaving they cannot be touched. They believe so much in themselves, forgetting that I, the Lord, am watching and the day of reckoning is at hand. They will be severely judged for the injury injustice and pain that they have unleashed on your land and people. Bloodthirsty and evil men, killing for power, oh, how they fail to know what lies ahead for them. Repent you evil men so that my wrath may not be kindled upon you and your entire household. I say I will judge.

When you see these things happening my children, do not be afraid, do not fret, do not worry, but focus on Me, trust Me, and believe in Me: for I will take control of events and give you peace. I will take away your sorrows and your worries.

Believe in me, stand still, and witness what I shall do to your enemies and the enemies of your nation. 6:07a.m

Dec. 31 Sunday @ 5:43p.m

The time has come and that is now when your men should join hands with your youths and fight for your rights. Do not be dismayed, do not be afraid of the so-called mighty ones in your land for I am with you to guide you and show you the way, to lead you so that you will not stumble in the process.

As you put your trust in me I will clear the way for you. I will send you guides, guides that will teach you how to go and how to move, guides that will teach you my ways so you will not falter, guides that will proclaim My Word and focus on Me.

Guides that will teach you to believe in Me for with Me, nothing shall be impossible for you.

Are you ready to focus on Me? Are you ready to follow My Words, My instructions? Are you ready to look forward to what I am going to do?

I say you need enduring patience. For with this patience hope for a better future awaits you and your land. Patience my children, patience, patience, for your suffering will soon come to an end. For I the Lord will open the big leaf gates for you and you shall walk into your freedom. Patience, and trust, should be your watchwords.

Yes, I will do a new thing, it will happen suddenly, but be patient, endure, and wait for that day.

Do not be confused and misled by the happening around you. Do not allow the so-called men in my house to mislead you to confuse you. For they are men-pleasers and deceivers of the brethren. Just focus on Me and My Word and I will lead you safely out of all the troubles facing your land.

My child, can you remember? My Word to you several years ago is that a certain young man will arise from Europe and cause a stir in the universe. Check My Word. His actions have caused and are causing a ripple all over the world, who can stop this? It is I, the Lord, come to Me, come with a repentant heart for the sin of the world and I will unburden the yoke, I will unburden the evil that is spreading around the universe. My children in my house, my dedicated ones, come to Me, cry to Me, and wait, watch, and see what I will do.

Have I not warned about the natural calamities that are befalling the world? Have I not cautioned that if care is not taken, some areas will no longer exist? Have I not warned about ocean sarge and landslides in the Eastern part of your nation Nigeria? What is your government and men in authority doing? They should wake up and be responsible to the masses and not seek to enrich themselves at the expense of the masses they have sworn to protect.

My child, look for the men I send you to some time behind. In him lies the peace and security of your land. Look for him and give him the prayers I instructed. Look for him. I will connect you to who will direct you to him. You need peace in your land. Once he says the prayers, calm will return to your land. Look up unto Me always.


My peace I leave with you. Dec. 31.2023

Scriptures for the year 2024

Sunday Nov. 5 2023 @6:40p.m

January                                                          Philippians 4v6-7

February                                                        Nehemiah 2

 Thursday Dec. 28@11:43p.m

March                                                             Psalm 34v8

April                                                                 Psalm 9v9

May                                                                  Proverbs 3v5-6


Friday Dec. 29 @5:23a.m

June                                                                   Proverbs 1v7

July                                                                     Matthew 7v7&8

August                                                               Mark 9v23

September                                                        Hebrew 11v1

October                                                            Mark 5v21-43

November                                                       2 Timothy 3v10-17

December                                                        Luke 2v6-14.


The Heavenly Light Ministry could be reached at

+234 805 132 9399, +234 706 555 8005.

Email: Hisheavenlylightchurch@gmail.com, celiaonitiri@gmail.com

Web: http://www.Hisheavenlylightministry.com