
Medicine is part of God’s healing plan-Damina

By Toyin Adeniyi

Founder of Uyo-based Power City International Church, Pastor Abel Damina has said medicine is part of God’s healing plan for man while also condemning pastors who have private physicians but come on air to boast that they have nothing to do with medicine.

He made the submission in an online video message sighted by our correspondent recently.

In the message, Damina spoke extensively about the beauty of medicine noting also that many miracle healing pastors consult doctors secretly.

He said, “All your miracle-healing pastors have doctors. Sometimes they will sneak and do medical checkups and then come back and say, ‘I can never be sick.'”

Pastor Damina stressed that medicine is not an enemy of God but rather a part of His healing plan. “Medicine is not a sin,” he said.

“Medicine is not an enemy of God, it is part of God’s healing plan. Don’t make people feel bad about going to the doctor and taking injections because it is not a sin.”

He highlighted the consequences that can arise when people reject medical science in the name of faith, noting that some have even lost their lives because they were led to believe that seeking medical treatment showed a lack of faith.

Citing an example, Pastor Damina recounted how the wife of his church member was in a life-threatening situation during childbirth. Despite the prayers and belief in divine intervention, the doctor informed them that if the baby was not delivered within an hour, both the mother and child could die.

“We had prayed and believed,” Pastor Damina said,

But the doctor said if the child was not delivered in an hour the woman would die. That prompted Pastor Damina to give an order that the child be brought out through surgery.'” The doctor performed an emergency C-section, and the baby was safely delivered within a few minutes.

Pastor Damina clarified that he is not against miracles. “I believe in miracles,” he affirmed. However, he also stressed the importance of wisdom, citing scriptures such as Psalm 90:12 and Ecclesiastes 10:10, which emphasize the need for understanding and wise decision-making. “As the Bible says, ‘teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom,’ because ‘wisdom is profitable to direct.'”

He reminded Christians that the wisdom behind medical science is a gift from God and should not be seen as contradictory to faith. “It is God that gave man the wisdom to discover medical science, therefore, He is not against it,” Pastor Damina said.

He urged believers to understand that while divine healing is biblical and powerful, seeking medical advice is also a valid and God-given means of maintaining health. Christians ought to know that relying on medicine is not a sin but rather an acknowledgment of the tools God has provided for human well-being.