Liberating Africa from Neocolonialism and Eurogance

By Adéṣẹ́gun Ọṣìbánjọ

Africa is divinely blessed and endowed with vast natural resources, friendly weather, and good climatic conditions with very rare occurrences of natural disasters. All these added together made perfect recipes for the early scramble for Africa which happened between 1885 and 1914, Britain took nearly 30% of Africa’s population under its control; 15% for France, 11% for Portugal, 9% for Germany, 7% for Belgium and 1% for Italy.

Nigeria alone contributed 15 million subjects, more than in the whole of French West Africa or the entire German colonial empire. This explains why I refer to Africa as Europhone-Africa save for Ethiopia and Liberia that did not become any Europhone colonies.

Some few years after all-colonized African countries were granted Independence from their respective colonial Masters, Poverty took over the entire Landscape of the Continent. Poverty is an economic state where people are experiencing non-availability of certain commodities, services, amenities, and facilities that are required for human and economic development in terms of meeting the basic needs of households and economic activities in the productive sector and the financial capacity to afford them.

Poverty and Politics

In Africa, Poverty is political. It is the result of decisions made by those who hold power, Governments and Corporations, and a broken Economic system that generates increasing wealth and power for Elites at the expense of the masses. Poverty in Africa was erroneously blamed on bad leadership and governance initially because it was unknown to many that African leaders were made to agree and signoff on various preconditions for Independence which automatically turned successive Presidents into Puppets of the European west leaders which as earlier posited, generated humongous wealth for African leaders and Elites to the detriment of the masses.

The most notable here according to Professor Mamadou Koulibaly, Speaker of the Ivorian National Assembly is the French Colonial pact which compulsorily mandates all Francophone-African countries to deposit 65% of their foreign currency reserves into the French Treasury, plus another 20% for financial liabilities. This means they only ever have access to 15% of their own money while the remainder 85% sits in the French treasury under the control and authority of the French Finance Minister! If they need more, they have to borrow their own money from the French government at commercial rates.

All the Fiscal and Monetary policies of Anglophone-African countries are controlled by Britain and America through the World Bank, IMF, and other financial institutions; telling us how to formulate and how not to formulate our policies and live our lives as a Continent which translates into Eurogance.

The West has the first right to buy or reject any natural resource found in Africa even if better deals exist elsewhere, and can’t sell to other Buyers unless the West says it doesn’t need the resources. In the award of Government contracts, the West must be considered first; only after that can African countries look elsewhere.

Deviating from colonial pact

Presidents of African countries that have attempted to deviate from the Neocolonial pacts have had Political, Financial, and Military pressure exerted on them by the West, using many Covert operations and Infiltrations to carry out Coups against the elected and Military Presidents with most of them becoming Sacrificial lambs for making and implementing the right Policies to develop their Countries.

Like Robert Nesta “Bob” Marley asked in his Song, how long shall they kill our Prophets (Presidents & Leaders) while we stand aside and look? The list is endless, starting with Sékou Touré of Guinea, whose slogan was “We prefer freedom in poverty to Opulence in slavery” to Sylvanus Olympio, the first President of the Republic of Togo, a tiny country in West Africa, who was killed by an ex-French Legionnaire Army Sergeant called Etienne Gnassingbe who supposedly received a bounty of $612 from the local French embassy for the hit man job, the Gnassingbe dynasty still holds on to power in Togo as at the time of publishing this Treatise; Capt. Thomas Sankara was brutally murdered by his close friend and confidant, Capt. Blaisse Campaoré; the West spearheaded rebellion against Col. Muammar Gaddafi of Libya for daring to challenge Eurogance and rallying African unity.

Nigeria’s fair share of the Leadership sacrifice was revealed during the Oputa Panel sittings where it was told that Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale (MKO) Abiola winner of the annulled June 12, 1993, Presidential elections who accuses Ambassador Thomas Pickering, ex-CIA Director of masterminding the assassination of General Muritala Mohammed in a bloody Coup-d’état incidentally himself allegedly died after taking the tea personally served him by Susan Rice, ex-CIA operative during a meeting with the American delegation led by Thomas Pickering, General Sani Abacha’s earlier death through poisonous apple was also hinged on International conspiracy to mention just a very prominent few.

Ending French exploitation

President Laurent Gbagbo of Côte d’Ivoire narrowly escaped death in the French masterminded public rebellion against his Administration when he attempted to end French exploitation of his Country according to Professor Mamadou Koulibaly. Sadly, Bob Marley the Jamaican Reggae legend who aroused consciousness of the killings of our Leaders with the active collaborations of Africans and placed strong emphasis on the need to end Neocolonialism and Eurogance through his soul-inspiring and lifting Songs also paid the supreme sacrifice as well.

It is crystal clear at this juncture that Financial, Economic, Infrastructural, and Energy poverties have been bequeathed to Africa by the imposed Neocolonial pacts of the European West. They did not stop there but went further to launch the Global Energy Transition Plan with targeted timelines for compliance, telling Africa in clear terms not to do what they did to achieve Energy security.

This was still reiterated and reinforced by the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken in his own words when he visited President Bola Tinubu in Abuja, who had to delay his travel to France to receive Blinken. International conspiracies and Campaigns of calumny were also launched against Africa to Leapfrog over the vast natural Fossil fuel deposits in the grounds and transit into Renewable energy options, like Solar Power which is still undergoing developmental stages for economic and commercial distribution to Electricity consumers and is still very expensive to acquire for Stand-alone installations.

Western International pressure groups are also not left out, they are breathing down the necks of International Financial Organizations (IFOs)not to fund Fossil fuels investments in Africa. As said in one of 2AO’s Words on Marble: “Any developing Country that champions or participates in the advancement of the highly ambitious campaign of “Transition out of Fossil fuels” will either stagnate or kill her Industrialization & Economic development and forever remain in abject Energy poverty”. Nigeria alone, not to talk of the rest of Africa is divinely endowed with enough Fossil fuels (Gas) to light up and Power Africa and still export to the rest of the World. Interestingly, Gas is Green for Europe and America but it is Fossil fuel for Africa. What manner of double Standards is this, please give Africa a break here!!! All the aforementioned are the core areas that Energy evangelism across Africa will be channeled to address.

The above further confirms the urgent need to deploy the Sense of Urgency approach to coordinate concerted efforts on spreading the Gospel of Political & Energy Evangelism across Africa and to all Heads of Government to liberate Africa from Neocolonialism and Eurogance to address all the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) presented so far in this treatise.

The Sahel Confederation has set the tone and pace to tell Africa that total Liberation from Neocolonialism and Eurogance is doable and possible. They are going very fast about it but they cannot go far without the rest of Africa because it only takes just one-Fifth columnists in each of these three countries to destabilize and undo all their individual and collective achievements. This is strongly evidenced by the multiple assassination attempts on Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s life and the brutal murder of Captain Thomas Sankara. The stability of the Sahel Confederation can only be assured under the United States of Africa.

How to eradicate neocolonialism

Neocolonialism and Eurogance can only be eradicated when Africa unites and speaks with one voice, and the African Union (AU) is the ideal platform to achieve this. Strategies to accomplish this historic goal have already been shared with the AU. Let’s explore the benefits of ending Neocolonialism and Eurogance through the United States of Africa:

  • All Internal conflicts within the Continent, Rebel armies, Insurgencies, Terrorism, Banditry, kidnapping for ransom, and other forms of insecurity will automatically windup to a total close because the Sponsorship and fueling of these activities will come to an abrupt end.
  • The control of treasury, fiscal, and monetary policies shall firmly reside in Africa placing total and firm control of individual economies in the hands of the Governments of each Country.
  • Africa takes full ownership, control, and decision-making on all natural resources.
  • African countries will be at liberty to develop their natural resources as may be desired for Industrialization and Economic Development
  • Africa will be freed from the over-ambitious global Energy Transition Plan into DARKNESS imposed by the European West to perpetually keep the Continent in abject Energy poverty and kill our Industrialization and Economic Development
  • Africa will be at liberty to develop Renewable energy options at her own pace without undue pressure
  • Humongous revenue generation from the sales of raw and processed natural resources for respective Countries
  • More than sufficient funding will be readily available to invest in Infrastructural developments and Fossil fuels projects to light-up power, completely eradicate Energy poverty, and drive Industrial, Economic, and Technological development of Africa to call the bluff of international conspiracies against funding.
  • African countries can enter into mutually beneficial agreements and alliances with others anywhere in the World as equal Partners and no longer Colonial master-servant relationships
  • Emigration issues and associated risks in crossing the Mediterranean high seas into Europe in search of greener pastures will be eliminated 
  • Eradication of joblessness and unemployment on the whole of the Continent with the positive multiplier effect to bring back all that Japa in Nigerian parlance or emigrated out of Africa to return to their home countries because there will be more than enough Jobs, activities, and businesses created to get everyone usefully engaged.

The Termination of Neocolonialism and Eurogance must be made a top priority Job description for the Chairperson of the African Union (AU), the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), the Deputy Chairperson AUC, the AUC Commissioners, and cascaded down the entire Workforce owing to the sense of urgency and sensitivity that must be accorded this Evangelism and Campaign for successful implementation.

Fate happened and passionately beckoned on this common and ordinary African citizen to join the league of Africa’s great legends in creating awareness to galvanize efforts towards making Africa woke and emerge as the World’s next Super Power by spreading the Gospel of Political & Energy evangelism across the entire Continent through Technical publications on all available media.

This explains why Political & Energy Evangelism has taken high prominence on my LinkedIn and X Social media Profiles as my Purpose and Calling. I have also earned the Pen name of “The Political and Energy Evangelist” from the publications based on the passion and enthusiasm exhibited in the technical analysis of both subjects as a Technical Author.

I have gone a step further to create the first Group for this purpose called the United African Front on LinkedIn with a free Join in access link Kindly note that membership is strictly open for everyone who identifies and connects with the aspirations of Africa that is truly liberated from Neocolonialism and Eurogance and that shall attain the Energy security level that will drive the Industrialization, Technological, and Economic growth of the Continent to becoming the new World Super Power.

The choice of LinkedIn as the starting Platform to galvanize these efforts is deliberate because this Evangelism and Campaign can only be implemented and coordinated with Clinical finishing by Professionals who hitherto abdicated this divine responsibility and handed them over to Touts on a platter of Gold.

We are the divinely mandated and ordained ones to dismantle the Political system institutionalised by these Touts to pave the way for the emergence of the Eminently Qualified (EQ) and the Competent, Capable, and Courageous (3Cs) candidates amongst us to contest for Political and Public offices to take Africa out of Poverty forever and transform the Continent into the latest Superpower on earth because Africa is blessed with abundant Talents and natural resources. Our Talents are making super breakthroughs and Technology discoveries and advancements across the Globe.

Kindly note that there is no Owner of this Group, I am just a mere Catalyst and Convener. I see enormous and vast opportunities awaiting this Group but please note that this may be a very long and tortuous journey.

A Group presentation for the February 2025 meeting of African Union Heads of Government in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is wide open on our table for immediate action, please.

The Group will work in tandem with the African Union (AU) and the African Union Commission (AUC) and strive to metamorphose into becoming the Strategic consultant for the AU for Good Governance & Economic development and advancement of the Continent.

I am very much aware that I am putting myself in extreme Harm’s way and the high-risk exposure I am plunging into with this Evangelism and Campaign, but I choose the great honour and privilege to stand tall to be counted alongside the slain great Heroes of Africa as the Nobody, Commoner, and Ordinary Citizen that resuscitated the Campaign that culminated in the true liberation of Africa from Neocolonialism and Eurogance as a gallant African Soja in the words of Evangelist Sunny Okosun of blessed memory, another one of the great Musical legends of Africa.

Who is saying this is Misplaced or a Mirage???

Time will tell us all.

God bless Africa!!!

2AO…Bobo Oshy – The Energy and Political Evangelist

Email: | LinkedIn: | X: @BoboOshy

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