
Amazing grace: How two Iranians, Faridi and Parsa met Jesus

By Dele Aina


Mohamad Faridi

I heard the gracious conversion stories of Mohamad Faridi and Ramin Parsa recently. Both men are Iranians, and they testify to the Saving Grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Undoubtedly, JESUS is manifesting Himself to many Middle Eastern Muslims through visions, dreams and other undeniable Supernatural means. GOD is truly awesome!


Mohamad Faridi, a devote Iranian Muslim describes his dramatic life story of growing up under Sharia law in a strict Shi’ite family. At the moment of birth, Mohamad was dedicated to Islam by the reciting of the Qur’an in his ear. Imagine!!!!

He struggled on a constant basis to do what Islam asked of him to please Allah. After years of committing to the Muslim faith, his goal ultimately was to become a martyr in Jihad to defend Islam and even served for two years under the terrorist General, Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, who was eliminated by an American drone not too long ago.

But, God had a different plan for Mohamad; he encountered the Messiah, JESUS CHRIST, at the age of 23 in Tehran, Iran, and thus, committed the ‘unforgivable sin’ of becoming a Christian.

Due to persecution, he fled Iran for his life and presently resides in the USA. You can read his entire story in the book, ‘Forsaking My Father’s Religion’.



Ramin Parsa was born into a very large Shiite Muslim family shortly after the Iranian Revolution. According to him, “My family was greatly impacted by the revolution: One of my brothers was killed, and most of our family’s possessions were taken.


Ramin Parsa

Like any other child in Iran at that time, I was raised under learning Islamic Laws and made to practice strict religious traditions. Perhaps, because of my family’s history and notoriety, I was tortured multiple times under suspicion of violating these strict religious laws and traditions.

“When I was 19, my father died of a heart attack, I began to seriously question my faith in Islam as well as my commitment to the faith. I had no hope or purpose in life and so I became suicidal. In the midst of all the turmoil that followed, I heard the message of the GOSPEL for the first time through satellite television. At first, I totally disagreed with what I was hearing – but something inside me was curious. Eventually, I asked JESUS to show himself to me – to show me if he was real. My prayer was simple:


“Immediately after those words left my mouth I felt a heat pass through my hand and I started to cry. At the same time, a powerful joy and peace came upon me. All my hopelessness, guilt and shame were suddenly gone

“I immediately went to my brother’s house with excitement and laid my still warm hand on her while she lay in the bed because she has been very sick at home. To my surprise, she was healed instantly

“From that on, I felt a call to take the message of the gospel to my unsaved brothers and sisters in the Middle East and the rest of the world. I believe the only hope for any individual or nation is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Eight months after my salvation I was brutally stabbed by an unknown assailant. After I recuperated, I fled Iran and currently live in the US.


His story is told in the book ‘From Ashes to Glory.’

If you are confused, disillusioned or suicidal, do what these two men did, ask JESUS to SAVE you, to reveal Himself to you, and He will.

GOD loves you beyond words.

Believe me, He does!