
25-year old American sees a vision of heaven and hell, narrates experience

A 25-year-old American, Josh Milles has narrated his experience of heaven and hell in a recent  video of US-based Fresh Anointing House of Worship, Montgomery

Milles in the video monitored by Church Times shared his experience alongside with his dad who was with him when he had the encounter

Before the encounter, Milles had been having a critical health condition. Miles had the flu which led to a heart attack, stroke, and seizures. He survived the three but later had flu which left him with very high body temperature.

He still went to work with his condition against the advice of his dad. But by the time he came home, his condition had become worse. His father, being led by God decided to take him to a particular hospital. It was while he was being taken to the hospital that he passed out.

His father said in the video that when he passed out he began to pray and intercede for him. In the process, Milles was screaming and making some utterances that indicated he was being tormented by some demonic forces. He eventually passed out but his dad who had become confused kept on interceding for him and praying against untimely death.

It was in this process that Milles discovered that his soul had left his body. He saw that he was already ascending high into the sky like an eagle. But suddenly he felt being pulled down. “I saw myself in hell,” he said.

When asked how he came to the realization that he was in hell, he said, “I knew in my spirit that it was hell. The place is filled with molten rock. But there is no fire there. (hell itself will be cast into the lake of fire at the end of the age). The ground was hard. I saw people standing on the rock feeling lonely. There is a thirst that is inexplicable, extreme hunger and extreme torment.

“Hell is so bad because you will now realize how loving God was when you were on earth. In the place, you’re thinking of the things you did wrong. In hell, you’re hurt not only by the things you’re going through but by the realization of the love of God for you on earth. You can see everybody but you can’t talk. You’re hurt in your heart. You are begging God to get you out of the place. You are extremely thirsty and you can’t breathe. It’s about the thirst for God apart from thirst for water. Hell is so bad because you will now realize how loving God was to you while here on earth.”

While Josh Milles was going through the experience in hell, his father was praying hard for him completely oblivious of what was going on in the spirit realm. He said the Lord reminded him of the Lazarus experience and immediately he called his son’s name. As he called his name, he came back to life.

But before he became conscious, Milles said at a point he later found himself before the throne of God. Staying before the throne, he said cannot be compared to what he had read and seen in movies. He said he had the most comfortable feeling and satisfaction.

“In heaven, your biggest goals and aspiration mean nothing when you stand before the throne of God. It was not like I was seeing a person, but I was seeing the purest form of light that I could ever imagine. It is a penetrating light. It is the purest light you want to see. It is the purest most natural light you can ever see.

He said the presence of God is a place of reverence. “In heaven, you can’t remember anything. All you know is you are in heaven and you just want to serve and worship God. You can look at God but you don’t want to look at his face. It’s about reverence and wanting to get instructions from him.” He said.

He said he saw animals around the throne. “But they are not the kind of animals we see here on earth. The animals have eyes all around them. The animals I saw are lion type and also animals that have wings. All the animals were standing with confidence and like waiting on him for instruction. The feeling of being there was more than satisfying. The best thing you can think of is nothing compared to standing before God.”

On how he looked while in heaven, he said, “I had a spiritual body. Fully mature body. You don’t feel hungry.  You don’t feel thirsty. You just feel satisfied. You don’t remember anything. All you remember is God. His presence is satisfying. All you think of in heaven is God. He paid me attention but I was just in awe being in front of Him”

He said God did not tell him anything and he did not get any instructions from any spiritual being while there. But at a point, he felt a sensation and felt like falling. That was when he became conscious and came back to life.

He then explained that from his experience, death is not the worst thing that can happen to any human being. “Where you are going is worse than death. I did not realize this until I experienced it myself. When I came back to life I was mad. This place where we live is a lot more rundown than you can think. The air here is thicker than you think. Coming back from heaven, I was weak. My body was reacting to this place called earth.”

Recalling what he had gone through he said, “Coming back from my personal experience when I could not walk, had stroke heart attack and seizure. It was rough. I had to depend on my dad and my fiancé on what I could see after I came back to my health. Going through that experience makes me take God more serious. We take a lot of things for granted not realizing how real eternal life is.”

On the greatest lessons from his experience he offers, “I am not religious. I am just a child of God. Going through the experience makes me take God more serious not really from the point of view of heaven or hell but on the basis that we take so many things for granted and don’t realize how real eternal life. This is real. This is not a game. I am learning obedience since that experience. In heaven, you want to obey. You don’t want to take any decision until God tells you what to do. You just want to obey Him.”

“Our desire should be to obey Him and do His will. Here we take our liberties. But the actual sense we own nothing. Here we have a sense of entitlement. But that should not be.”

On why he thought God allowed him to have the experience, he said, “I think God is very strategic. I think we forget that sometimes. He knows the beginning from the end. We know all these things but we know them as clichés but those are the truth. I have a sense of popularity in many places and I think God wants to reach out to people around me. I am a normal guy that just believes in God. I am not religious. I just love the Lord. I did not read what I experience. My generation needs a lot of help. When God takes a person younger and switches his life you can’t help but  know that God is real.”

He counselled that people should get serious with God noting that there was no basis for him to have had a stroke and heart attack because he had lived a healthy lifestyle. “Where are you going when you leave this earth. If you don’t have the answer to that question, you must fix it now. My real message is, get serious and get focused. Be obedient now. Give him honour and reverence him now. You don’t have the next minute and the next second.”


1 comment

Oluwatise osinaike July 23, 2020 - 3:56 pm
Wow! So real
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