Focus on the message not the messenger

Once again, we thank God for the word which is new to us every time we read it.

I keep wondering why this gospel message is never boring,no matter how many times I hear the same topic preached by different preachers. This secret is that, the word of God is anointed with the power to engage you every time you hear it, hallelujah.

Christians should, therefore, focus on the message, instead of the messenger. I am talking about the growing trend of Pastor worship.

Most wives honour their Pastors more than their husbands. Many husbands respect their Pastors more than their wives. Many worshippers honour their Pastors more than God. This is idolatry. It’s wrong. Stop it.

We should never elevate the messenger more than the message. Even Jesus, throughout his earthly ministry always gave credit for all he did to his father who sent him. The word is not a means to promote self; it is the word of God. It’s all about God and his salvation plans for mankind.

Regardless of the quality or magnitude of the gifts of a preacher,it was given to him to advance the cause of the gospel. It’s not to show off or display erudition or anointing prowess. No, not at all.

Many preachers attract attention to themselves by boasting about their earthly riches; luxury automobiles, aircrafts,world class auditoriums, and other forms of material wealth.

If one may ask: to what end? If you’re blessed for doing the work of ministry,all you need do is glorify God.You don’t have to use it to enhance yourself in any way. That’s wrong.Don’t give the impression that the gospel is all about wealth. We shouldn’t forget that it’s about salvation.

Remember,no matter how great you think your Pastor is,his name cannot enter the Bible.

Ladi Ayodeji is a speaker, author, counselor and minister of the gospel. He can be reached on 09059243004(WhatsApp only).

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