Emokpae no longer overseer of Foursquare Caribbean region

First National Leader and pioneer General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church, (FGC) Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Osaren Emokpae has stepped down from the position to pave way for a new adminstration for the region..

Emokpae had been appointed by the Foursquare Church International to oversee the work in the region in 2013.

Having laboured in the region for a couple of years, the churches there will now be administered directly by the Foursquare Mission International in partnership with Foursquare Church Brazil.

Emokpae has also ceased to be part of Foursquare work in the entire Caribbean and South America since Sunday 17th November 2024.

Apart from overseeing the establishment of Foursquare Mission work in Trinidad and surrounding Islands Emokpae is also the Executive Counselor of Foursquare Nigeria; Founding Pastor, Foursquare Gospel Church, Macedonia Assembly, Dallas, USA and former Director of Wilson and Yinka Badejo Foundation (WYBF).

Pastor Ricky Navarro, the Foursquare Mission International (FMI) emissary to the Caribbean thanked Dr Emokpae for his service to the Region particularly for the pioneering work in Trinidad and Tobago.

He expressed confidence that his labour of love in that region will not go in vain while assuring that the church will continue in the spirit of hard work and commitment to the cause of Christ

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