Ekundayo: Without the contribution of women, Nigeria will not attain her destiny.

Ekundayo Francis

Ekundayo charges women @ church’s conference: Come out of your comfort zone

By Wilson Adekumola

Women at the Conference

Founder and Presiding Minister of Harvest Field International Church, Rev. Francis Ekundayo has charged women to come out of their comfort zone in order to contribute their quota to nation building  noting that without the contribution of women, Nigeria will not attain her destiny.

Ekundayo made this declaration while speaking with Church Times at the 14th edition of the church’s women’s conference, tagged, “The shining light”, held at the church headquarters, beside Obasanjo Farm,Ota, Ogun State, on Sunday, June 2.

He said, “I want women to come out of their comfort zone and join hands in building the nation. We have great women and great role for them in the society. If they come out they can take a prominent position in the helms of affairs and decide how and what will move the nation forward.

“They can also influence their husbands to do their best in whatever position they find themselves. If a man has a woman at home that encourages him to see good and do good such man will not go astray. She will definitely compel the husband to do right thing that will be pivotal in moving the nation forward. Women  determine how the society will be. The role of women in the society cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, let them come out and showcase what God has planted in them to remold the country.”

Ekundayo: Women not second fiddle

While encouraging women to be part of nation building, Pastor Ekundayo declared, “They only need to work on or build themselves to become the fire and shining light the society is clamouring for. They should not limit themselves to the second fiddle role. They don’t need to hide. They must come out and contribute their quota by doing the needful and become what they aspire to become in life. They have to give to God what belongs to God, and that is their lives. They have to give their lives to Jesus Christ and honour their husbands. They have to be good women at home to encourage their husbands and achieve their destiny. Women need to humble themselves and be hard working to be profitable to their home and the society at large. ”

Ekundayo who talked on “Be prepared for a greater achievement” quoted copiously from the Bible but dwelled on the book of 2Chronicle chapter 27 verse 1,5and 6 and 1Chronicle chapter 25:5 and 6.  He noticed that spiritual preparation is very much important to whatever anybody wants to be or achieve in life. “To achieve greater things in life you must be physically and spiritually prepared. Nothing happens without a reason. Whatever you want to be in life or achieve depends on your preparation. You should let your preparedness dominate your area of weakness. If you lack preparation your greater achievement can lead you to your destruction”.

While urging his listeners to prepare for a greater achievement, the Ekundayo whose birthday coincided with the occasion said, “Whatever you have achieved today you still have a greater achievement ahead of you. Nobody here today has achieved all their dreams in life. That thing you have in mind and you are yet to achieve is the greatest achievement in your life. That thing you have envisioned and you have not acquired is the greatest achievement ahead of you. When we talk about a greater achievement we are talking about what is beyond what you have now. To have a greater achievement you have to prepare yourself for it.

“Nothing comes easy. But be warned, when all those things come don’t allow them to move you away from Christ. If you are not conscious of your faith, material wealth may derail you. Always try to solidify your relationship with God and proclaim Jesus as your Lord and saviour. As a matter of fact, ordinary car has destroyed some people in life”, he admonished.

Asked what informed the theme, “The shining light”, the women leader, Mrs. Tolulope Ekundayo, disclosed that, “Jesus said we are the shining light. You cannot light your candle and put it under the table. We believe there are some people still groping in the darkness as Bible makes us to understand. We don’t need to hide our light. We must shine our light to illuminate the darkness. It is only when we shine the light we can illuminate the darkness. We believe that when people listen to this message they will understand why they should not concealed their light. That is the purpose of this theme”.

While expressing her joy for the success of the anniversary, Mrs. Ekundayo, the Ekiti-born women leader declared, “It was a huge success for me today as the coordinator of the women’s ministry. We have significantly prepared the women as a good home maker and how to honour their husband. According to theme of the program, we have been taught how to be a shining light at home and everywhere we go. This event actually opened our eyes to realize that we are the pillar of our home and the society at large. We have also learned how to teach our children aright. If you don’t train your child he or she will pollute the society.”

The vice president, women’s ministry, Mrs. Dupe Adebiyi described the ceremony as awesome. “The ceremony was glorious. This edition of the women conference is wonderful. It used to be women’s anniversary but it has metamorphosed into women’s conference. The 2-day power packed event was wonderful as a medical doctor was invited for health talk. It has really impacted our lives. The program also featured debate, drama, talent display and prayer session among others. These have reshaped our lives. We are grateful to God for using Mrs. Ekundayo and her husband to make today a reality”

Read also: Adefarasin’s wife descends on women who dress seductively:https://churchtimesnigeria.net/ifeanyi-adefarasin-women/

The high point of the event was the church brigade display moment. Participants were thrown into rapturous mood as all the members lined up to form HFIC in the church auditorium, which is the abbreviation of Harvest Field International Church. The little brigades that came with placards representing each letter were not left out in the inspiring moment as they displayed excellently. Indeed, it was  a unique conference for the women.


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