Dig it up: Opportunity is spelt W-O-R-K

Dr Segun Oshinaga

Dr. Segun ‘TREMENDOUS’ Oshinaga

One of the tragedies of life is to be poor in the midst of plenty, miserable in the land of mirth.

I read the story of a poor man who sat on a side street in Manhattan, New York begging for alms in the heat and the cold. City council workers found him dead one extremely cold morning.

When they opened his clothes, they found over $100,000.00 sewed into his clothes. Can you believe the irony of a man loaded with so much money begging for pennies?

“The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.”
Deuteronomy 28:12

But the truth is that there are many people like that. Many of us are like that. We are loaded with so much ‘gold’ but we are unaware of it and live like paupers. We need to go beyond the surface and dig deep within us for the wealth that God has deposited in us.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas Edison

Make no mistake about it – every man is a walking, breathing treasure house. You are born wealthy, though your parents may lack the basic necessities of life. Your wealth is buried in your gifts, skills and attitudes. But God leaves us the responsibilities to dig it out.

Hard work has never killed anyone yet. Men that will not work hard and long will not see the fulfillment of that which they desire.

Today, we have all kinds of ministries; ministry of prosperity; ministry of abundance; ministry of supernatural supply etc. Perhaps, the most important ministry we need is the ministry of hard work.

We have prayed; we have fasted; we have commanded and decreed. Now it’s time to roll up the sleeves, hit the road, pound the floor, knock on doors, get on the phone and trade your gift in the marketplace.

We have the answer, the promise and the prophecy. Let’s begin to work our way to the answer. We are blessed! That is the answer.

That is the promise. That is the prophecy. But we must work the blessing. We must work the promise and we must work the prophecy.

Dr. Segun ‘TREMENDOUS’ Oshinaga is the President, Inspirational Global Network
E: droshinaga@gmail.com T/W:+2348030773584
W/ SegunOshinaga.Org

Contact Dr. Tremendous for counseling, prayers and ministry/speaking engagements:

Inspirational Global Network, Inc
3rd Floor, Suite DA8, Sparklight Shopping Mall, Opposite Living Faith Church, Durumi,
Box 5601, Garki, Area 10, Abuja
Tel/WhatsApp: +2348030773584, +2348922073050

‘… Keep Shooting ‘Till The Birds Start Falling At Your Feet’

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