
Daystar won’t open worship centres now- Sam Adeyemi  


The management of Daystar Christian Centre has said the church will not resume its services despite government go-ahead order for churches to resume operation.

In a statement jointly signed by its founder, Sam Adeyemi and Nike his wife, the church said it was aware of the Lagos State Government’s announcement that churches can resume physical services from August 9 2020.

It then thanked God for the progress made so far by the federal and state governments, the NCDC and our frontline health workers.

It, however, said, “the leadership of Daystar Christian Centre has resolved NOT to open her worship centres for physical gathering on the immediate.”

The statement reads further, “Daystar Christian Centre will continue to hold her services online exclusively pending further review. We look forward to the resumption of physical services in a safe environment. We urge our members and friends to join us on all our online platforms for life-transforming services.

  1. www.live.daystarng.org
  2. https://www.facebook.com/daystarchristiancentre
  3. www.twitter.com/daystarng
  4. www.instagram.com/daystarng, and
  5. The Daystar Mobile app (Android/iOS)

God’s mercy that has preserved us thus far will cause this plague to pass over our families, nations and planet in Jesus’ name. Amen”