Dan Suleiman, UK MP, others to speak @ conference on unfolding genocide in Nigeria

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria will on Saturday, August 22 hold a virtual conference with the theme “unfolding genocide in Nigeria”

The conference according to a statement signed by the Executive Secretary of the Movement, Mr. Bosun Emmanuel will feature speakers from both Nigeria, the United Kingdom and the US.

The speakers include The Chairman of Middle Belt Elders Council, Air Commodore Dan Suleiman, a United Kingdom parliamentarian, Baroness Caroline Cox, President of US-based International Christian Foundation for Democracy (ICFD), Mr. Henry Jones and the Ms. Ewelina Ochab, the Legal Advocate whose advocacy led to UN resolution approving International Day of Religious Freedom.

Other speakers are the wife of the founder of Du Merci Orphanage, Kano Mrs. Mercy Solomon-Tarfa and Hon. Amos Gwamna Magagi representing Zango Kataf Constituency in the Southern Kaduna

The conference, which is planned to celebrate the international day of religious freedom will be hosted by the chairman of the Christian Solidarity Movement of Nigeria, Elder Solomon Asemota.

The speakers will explore how to achieve peace in the troubled spots of Nigeria especially in the north. It will also seek to create awareness on the need to stop the activities of mindless people who have turned the north to a war zone.

Interested individuals are expected to connect with the link at 5 pm https://zoom.us/j/91765086251?pwd=NklqeTVUNmYrNUpFeElSSk1RQmszUT09

Meeting ID: 917 6508 6251

Passcode: 428015


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