
Confessional prayer for Britain and a cry for repentance and revival

British flag

The spiritual situation of  Britain and Europe in general calls for immediate help. It’s pertinent to know that a once godly nation that followed the precepts of God primordially but suddenly turned in the wrong direction needs a release of fresh breath called revival.  This is because that nation is already spiritually dead like the nation of Israel in the time of Prophet Samuel was sent by God to call them to repentance(1 Samuel 6-7).

Acts 3:17 speaks of the time of refreshing. The refreshing time is also the release of breath which is spiritual revival. But then in Acts 3:17, repentance and conversion precede the time of refreshing. This implies Britain needs to repent first before it can experience revival.


Confessional Prayer Guide For Britain And Tose Who Love To Pray For Britain

To whom whose mercy endures forever, to whom whose love is everlasting, to whom whose forgiveness flows like an unrestrained fountain. Lord Jesus Christ, we come into your presence with a heart of humility and sorrow. Your divine word says in 1 Samuel 7:3-4 “Saying,

If ye do return unto the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only: and he will deliver you”. With the plainest of our hearts and minds, with the acceptance of our wrongs, we humbly acknowledge our sins before you, we ask that you forgive us of our many transgressions and abominations.

We can’t hide our iniquities, before your very watchful eyes, you have seen it all glare with no action at all hidden. We come boldly to the throne of Grace to acknowledge our sins and also to acknowledge the power you once displayed and released upon our once righteous nation.  We acknowledge the revival you released upon our nation in the past, we acknowledge your reviving presence and glory you once shone into our nation.

Oh! we can flash back our memory in the pain of heart, oh the memory record of your mighty move in our nation, of how you swept our nation with your reforming power and strength, of how you displayed your glory in the nation of Britain and entire Europe.

It’s of pain to us now that it’s a thing of the past, not of the present. It’s of pain to our hearts, for entertaining the disgusting sin called pride which has now birthed and produced more iniquities which are increasing and proliferating in the nation of Britain and the whole of Europe.

We acknowledge the sin of pride that opened up the door to the enemy, Satan to gain ground over our nation, we humbly request that you grant us the access to bath in the fountain of your forgiveness. Yes, once more we desire a revival again in our land. Like David, we cry out for mercy and restoration.

A nation who were once righteous, once godly and once shone the light of the Cross to other nations but is presently now known as a nation where secularism, paganism, Islamism and gaism thrive in. Oh! Let us flashback our hearts to the time past when your glory shone in our land, where your holiness was seen in the lives of godly men.

Oh the time past when the nation of Britain promoted and spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus through civilization to all over the world, the time past when the glory of revival rested on Britain compelling her to be involved in the leadership position of sending and commissioning missionaries to all the nations of the world, thereby reaching unreached nations of the world, penetrating closed door nations, with the continuous rise of missionaries.

Oh the time past when you were once pleased with the nation of Britain, and because of this you rewarded her with prosperity, and promoted her to become the number one nation in the world.  The time past where she used her prosperity to proliferate the Gospel of the Cross all over the world, Lord it is of pain that it’s a thing of the past, a one-time experience.

It’s of pain that your light no longer shines in our nation, your power is no longer seen in our nation, and your name is no longer announced in our nation.  Yes, we acknowledge all this happened in our nation when we were like a little child in the hands of our father, Yes when our hearts were still tender and easily controlled by God, yes when our hearts were still in the most humble state when our hearts were not lifted by pride.

Unfortunately, our once tender hearts are now hardened stones unable to be controlled. We acknowledge the sin of pride that sank deep into us so much and bad that it made you release your wrath upon us. Yes, your loads of locusts and the cankerworms recorded in Joel 2: 25 were released in our nation because of our many sins and we still await more of your judgement because of our increasing sins and transgressions.  What shall we say but acknowledge what action has brought the sudden and unexpected change in our nation?

Islam has replaced the true light of  Christianity in the nation of Britain, the religion now has a root in the nation of Britain.Recent reports revealed that Islam is fast growing in the United Kingdom. Fewer people are becoming members of the Church of England.

Wth a fast growth of Muslim fundamentalists and magic, it was also revealed that the Church in Britain has greatly declined. Over 2,000 churches have been closed down, many churches are now theatres.Muslims and Atheists have purchased several church buildings,  and other religions are buying churches at an alarming rate, less than 10% of Britain attends church services once a month, 5,200 Britons are converting to Islam every year, and the total number of converts so far is about 100,000.

What a great tragedy in a once sanctified nation, where God’s power and grace were palpably seen before. We humbly ask that you forgive us of these transgressions, we ask that you restore us to the Pinnacle where you once set us. We ask that you cleanse us with your purifying blood that was made available to us on the Cross of Calvary over two thousand years ago.

Please pardon us again. Like Nehemiah “We acknowledge that we have dealt very corruptly against thee and have not kept the commandments, nor the status, nor judgements”. (Nehemiah 1:7). Like David, we acknowledge our transgressions and that our sin is ever before us. Against thee, thee only, have we sinned, and done this evil in thy sight”( Psalms 52:3-4).

Like Daniel, we have sinned, have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from thy precepts and thy judgements. ( Daniel 9:5).O Lord forgive the iniquity of our sin and grant us your glory again in our land, we pray with sorrow in our hearts for the forgiveness of the sin of our youth.

It’s written in 1 John 1-2, ” My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”Here we are Lord confessing and acknowledging the sins of our youth in contrite repentance.

Please pardon us and restore us to your righteousness, holy lifestyle and the Pinnacle that you have once set for us for the evangelization of the world. We acknowledge and confess the sins of idolatry, injustice, waywardness, immorality, spiritual incompetence, selfishness, disobedience, worldliness, and homosexuality.

We ask that you forgive us and accept us again. We ask that you align us back to your will, we ask that you purge our many transgressions and abominations. Let us be granted access into the holy path where our fathers trod upon, let’s us be restored to the privilege of sonship, the experience of revival, the experience of renewal and of power in the name of Jesus Christ. Please Lord cut short the duration of our affliction and judgement and bring back your fairness, power and your love back unto us.

The Europe Abomination

 Another shocking revelation is that Europe has now returned to paganism. Most churches in England hold services for gay marriages and ordain women as priests and bishops. A new report released recently reveals an increase in intolerance, discrimination, arson, thefts, physical attacks, anti- Christians hate crimes against Christians in Europe, especially in the UK.

If we had not opened the door to the enemy, Satan through sin, our nation would have been spared of this abomination that now thrives in our land. If we had humbled ourselves when your glory rested upon our land, we would have been spared of this spiritual assault and shame.

Nevertheless, it’s written in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land”.

We raise a cry for the healing of our land by our action of penitent repentance, we also raise a cry for another experience of renewal, awakening and your reviving Spirit still by our action of repentance. Let your revival power flood our land again in the name of Jesus Christ. Let your restoration presence fill our land again in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let Britain, Wales and Europe in general once again experience an earth-shaking and sweeping revival awakening.Lord our acknowledgement and confessional prayer is through an act of faith, written “The just shall live by faith” So in faith, we thank God for giving attention to our prayers for forgiveness, restoration, revival and awakening.

We thank God, following your words, “And whatever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son”.( John 14:13).We thank you for another Pentecost in our nation, we thank God for the fountain of your cleansing that has begun today.

Oh! thank you for the release of your mighty power of revival in our land. We thank you for the manifestation of your light in our dark nation and continent. Thank you Father once again for listening to our cry in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed. Amen! By John Abiola.


Read also: Britain’s rise, fall and only remedy by John Abiola.https://churchtimesnigeria.net/britains-rise-fall-and-only-remedy-by-john-abio.

Revive Us Again series 99.

Revive Us Again series is a publication of  Nigeria Global Intercessors.http://nigeriaglobalintercessorsngi@gmail.com.