
Building a living ‘scattered’ church in today’s workplace

Dr. Oyewole Sarumi

Oyewole Sarumi PhD

The modern world presents a unique challenge for the Church. While the traditional Sunday service remains a vital part of our faith journey, the reality is that most people spend the majority of their waking hours in the workplace.  Statistics show a staggering **70% of Christians have never received a sermon on work, and an even higher percentage lack training on integrating their faith into their professional lives.
This essay explores the concept of the “scattered church,”  believers who actively live out their faith in the workplace. We will explore the importance of this scattered church, its functions, and how church leadership can equip believers to be effective witnesses in their professional spheres.

Defining the Scattered Church

Traditional church structures often focus on the “gathered church,” the community that assembles for worship services and fellowship.  However, the New Testament also speaks of the “scattered church,” believers who embody their faith throughout their daily lives, including the workplace.
While Hebrews 10:25 emphasizes the importance of gathering together, it doesn’t negate the significance of our Christian identity during the rest of our week.  1 Corinthians 12:27 beautifully describes the Church as the Body of Christ, with each member playing a vital role.  Just like the human body functions as a whole even though its parts operate in different locations, so too does the Church.
Unlike the gathered church, where physical proximity fosters connection, the scattered church thrives on intentionality and active faith expression.  This concept challenges the notion that church life is confined to Sundays or designated religious spaces.

Reasons for a Scattered Church:

Workplace Dominates Our Time: Research indicates a vast disconnect between our faith and our professional lives. Studies reveal that a significant portion of Christians have never received guidance on integrating their faith into the workplace. As the quote highlights, over 70% of our time is spent at work.  If faith remains confined solely to the gathered church, it becomes compartmentalized, neglecting a significant portion of our lives.
The Untapped Mission Field: The workplace presents an incredible opportunity for Christian witnessing.  Millions of people interact with colleagues each day, creating a vast mission field for sharing the message of Christ.  This is an opportunity to be a light in a world that often lacks faith.
Integrating Faith and Work: A well-equipped scattered church nurtures a holistic understanding of faith.  Believers learn to integrate their Christian values into their professional decisions and interactions.
Breaking Down Walls: The concept of a scattered church dismantles the false dichotomy between “sacred” and “secular.” Our entire life, including our work, is an opportunity to glorify God.
Theological Disconnect: Many Christians feel a disconnect between their faith and their professional lives. The concept of a scattered church encourages a holistic approach to Christian living, integrating faith principles into daily work practices.

Benefits of a Scattered Church

Workplace Transformation: Scattered church members can influence workplace culture, promoting values like honesty, ethics, integrity, and compassion.
Increased Evangelism: Believers naturally engage with colleagues, creating opportunities for sharing their faith through actions and words. Believers who actively demonstrate their faith principles in the workplace can be a powerful source of inspiration and influence for colleagues through impactful witnessing.
Personal Growth:  Living out faith at work promotes a deeper understanding of one’s values and strengthens individual faith journeys.
Glory to God: A thriving scattered church extends God’s kingdom by demonstrating the transformative power of faith in everyday life.

What Does the Scattered Church Do?

Ethical Conduct: Scattered church members demonstrate ethical behavior, earning respect and trust from colleagues. So, Believers strive for honesty, fairness, and integrity in all their professional dealings. (Proverbs 11:3)
Positive Influence: They embody the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), fostering a more positive and collaborative work environment.
Witnessing through Actions:  Their actions and decisions reflect Christian values, silently yet powerfully communicating their faith.
Informal Fellowship: Scattered church members can create opportunities for informal fellowship, gathering for prayer or encouragement during breaks or after work.
Servant Leadership: Scattered church members embody Christ’s leadership model, serving others and prioritizing the well-being of their colleagues. (Matthew 20:28)
Compassion and Care: They demonstrate empathy and compassion towards co-workers, fostering a supportive and encouraging environment. (Galatians 6:2)
Work Ethic and Excellence: Scattered church members contribute positively, striving for excellence and fulfilling their responsibilities with dedication. (Colossians 3:23)

How to Become a Living Scattered Church

For Leaders
Theology of Work Training:  Equip your congregation with biblical perspectives on work and vocation.  Church leaders can integrate teachings on a biblical theology of work, encouraging believers to see their professions as avenues for God’s mission.
Workplace Ministry Initiatives: Explore creating a dedicated ministry that equips believers for the workplace. Leaders can provide practical guidance on integrating faith principles into the workplace, such as ethical decision-making and conflict resolution.
Sunday Service Integration: Infuse Sunday sermons with practical applications of faith in the workplace.
Mentorship Programmes:  Establish mentorship programs where experienced believers guide and encourage those navigating professional challenges.
Scattered Church Communities: Create small group settings specifically designed to support believers in the workplace, fostering prayer, fellowship, and practical advice sharing.
Marketplace Ministry: Consider initiating specialized programs focused on outreach and service opportunities within the local business community.
For Believers
Seek Personal Growth:  Continually strive to deepen your understanding of faith through Bible study and prayer.
Develop Professional Skills: Strive for excellence in your profession, allowing your work to be a silent testament to your faith.
Seize Opportunities: Be alert to opportunities to share your faith through acts of kindness or compassionate conversations.
Seek Accountability: Find an accountability partner or mentor with whom you can discuss workplace challenges from a faith-based perspective.
Identifying Champions: Leaders can encourage and equip individuals who demonstrate a passion for workplace ministry, empowering them to become change agents within their organizations.

Leadership’s Role in Building a Scattered Church

Shifting the Focus: Leaders can prioritize equipping members for their roles in the scattered church, allocating resources, and fostering discussions on integrating faith and work.
Celebrating Workplace Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate members’ positive contributions within their professional lives, showcasing the impact of faith in the marketplace.
Modeling Faith in Action: Leaders themselves should embody Christian principles in their leadership style, setting an inspiring example for the congregation.

Some Further Considerations

As I write this, I am not unaware of the difficulties of this concept in some contexts. So, let’s bear the following in mind as we pursue this concept:
Interfaith Collaboration:  The scattered church concept can be extended to include collaboration with colleagues of other faiths or no faith background. Shared values of ethical conduct, compassion, and service can form a powerful foundation for positive workplace transformation.
Work-Life Balance: While integrating faith into work is important, it’s crucial to maintain healthy boundaries and avoid burnout. Encouraging practical strategies for self-care and spiritual renewal can empower believers for sustained engagement in the workplace.
Workplace Culture: The success of a scattered church approach will depend to some extent on the prevailing workplace culture. Churches can provide guidance on navigating challenging workplace environments while upholding Christian values.
Practical examples of how believers can live out their faith at work (e.g., resolving conflict ethically, advocating for fairness, offering support to colleagues).
The role of technology in fostering connections within the scattered church (e.g., online prayer groups, virtual Bible study, etc.)


The scattered church isn’t a novel concept; it’s a rediscovery of the Church’s true nature. The early Apostles were scattered through persecution and they became a pillar for the church wherever they went. We know that the Church exists beyond the walls of the building – it extends into the world, into every workplace where believers are present.  So, building a thriving scattered church requires commitment from both church leaders and individual believers.
Leaders can equip their congregations, while believers can actively integrate their faith into their professional lives.  As we embrace the scattered church model, we unlock the incredible potential for transforming workplaces and sharing the Gospel with countless individuals.
As the Apostle Paul reminds us in Hebrews 13:20-21, may God equip us “with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.”  By embracing the concept of the scattered church and empowering believers to be living testaments to their faith in the workplace, we embark on a thrilling mission – transforming the very fabric of our professional spheres.
Imagine a world where workplaces are infused with integrity, compassion, and a commitment to excellence – a world where the light of Christ shines brightly through the actions of His followers.  This is the promise of the scattered church, a promise we can all help fulfill by nurturing and equipping the believers within our communities.  Let us go forth, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and make a difference in the world, one workplace at a time.
As the book of Hebrews reminds us, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another” (Hebrews 10:25).  This passage emphasizes the importance of both the gathered church (worship services and fellowship) and the scattered church (faith lived out in daily life).
By embracing this two-fold approach, Christian communities can fulfill their calling to be a light in the world and a source of positive change.
Remember, the workplace is not a separate sphere; it’s a mission field ripe with opportunities.  Let’s go forth and be living examples of our faith, building a vibrant scattered church that shines brightly in the world.