Brevity of life and the imperative of purposeful leadership

By Gbemiga Olakunle

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom ” – Psalm 90: 12, KJV.

Days that make up the number of years that GOD has assigned to every of His Creature and especially Man are very important in His Calendar and Agenda.

The average lifespan of Man according to the Scripture in the preceding verse 10 of the same chapter  is 70 years: ” The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away “.

When we hear or see the obituaries of people who passed on in the prime of their lives after a period of brief or protracted illness; accidents or in their sleep, then we can understand better the title of this message. 

Doctors can advise us on the kind of lifestyle to adopt in order to attain and maintain a robust health. Preachers or motivational Speakers can also  admonish or motivate us on how to have and maintain good relationship with GOD and with our fellow humans in order to prolong our lives on Earth.

However, in the final analysis none of us can predict the time or the mode  of our departure to eternity and hence the need for us  to be guided by the Psalmist’s prayer contained in our text quoted above – Psalm 90: 12, KJV.

In other words, since we are not the owners of our lives and we cannot determine how long we shall live even though we may all desire a very prosperous long life;    it is therefore wisdom on our parts if we continue to  number our days and do the good that GOD has put within our capacities or positions  to do for our family members, friends/ associates and Communities while those in Public Offices be it Secular or Spiritual should use their vintage positions to better the lives of the Citizenry and their respective Followers.

In a nation like Nigeria that is flowing with milk and honey, the Citizens should have nothing to do with poverty and hunger if those in Authority should do the needful by enacting and implementing Policies that can ensure redistribution of our common wealth and abundant resources.

The same applies to some of our highly placed Spiritual Leaders who should take some measures  to feed and nourish the flocks of Christ under them not just in the Ministrations of the Words but also in material things.  Government Establishments and Faith -Based Organizations can go into Farm – Settlement Schemes to make this Nation sufficient in Food Production which can also be exported to earn us foreign exchange. 

Succinctly speaking, life is so brief and its Giver – GOD the Almighty can decide to take it from anyone that is not using his or her privileged positions to fulfill GOD’S  Plans and Purpose for Humanity. 

All things, including the Mighty and people of low estates are created for GOD’S pleasure. And so as GOD is ushering us into the New Year, let us seek to please Him by getting closer to our Maker and use our vintage positions and resources to better the lots of people around us and within the  areas of our influence. Let us do our parts and leave the rest to GOD.


Gbemiga OLAKUNLE, JP is the General Secretary of National Prayer Movement

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