Bearers of Light set for two-day ministers’ confab on Christian faith

Bearers of Light Missions Outreach has concluded plans to hold a two-day ministers conference during which participants will examine the theme, Christ, Christian, and Christianity.

The conference will take place on September 27 and 28 at the BOL Knowledge Centre, Igando, Lagos.

The conference which is the 8th edition is a unique platform that affords participants opportunity to ask questions and probe into critical issues of faith.

Expected discussants at the event include Bishop Abraham Olaleye of The Pentecostal Congregation Ilupeju, Lagos, Pastor Leke Akinola of the Upper Room Baptist Church, Ketu, Lagos, Dr. Ajayi-Majebi and Pst. Olukayode Oyedepo.

Dr. Emiko Amotsuka, The President Koinonia Ministries, Ibadan and Apst. Richard E. S. Takim of the Cry of the City Ministry Kenroid Complex, Nairobi, Kenya are expected to join the forum online.

The convener, Pastor Sam Oyemade, said the conference will give resource persons the opportunity to share their perspectives on the theme while other participants will probe their submissions.

He said, “The International Ministers Conference (IMC) is dedicated to bringing leaders of the Kingdom of God together to study the scriptures collectively, understand the Lord’s teachings, and discuss how to apply these lessons to promote the Body of Christ and in the life and ministry of every minister. The goal is to make ministry refreshing and rewarding for the servants of God.”

Oyemade explained further that the conference as usual is not the regular conference where a preacher comes to speak to people. It is a discussion forum where the speakers share perspectives and other participants have time to ask questions and probe the theme. The goal is to ensure that everybody has an in-depth understanding of what is being discussed.”

Oyemade said there are many issues in the church today begging for clarity. “The purpose of the conference is to bring clarity to doctrinal issues so that no participant will be in the dark.”

He said the theme was carefully chosen and would be examined by the select team of preachers who have a deep understanding of the faith.

“This year we are examining Christ, Christian Christianity because there is so much confusion in the body of Christ today. Many don’t know why they are Christians. Many think Christianity is just like any other religion.

Some think it’s one of the ways to God. These are the issues that we are going to be looking at for two days to bring light to them. “

Oyemade also explained that when Jesus Christ’s position is properly understood and emphasized, ministry and church assembly will be better approached.

He believes responsibility and authority should be respectfully shared to prevent heresies and unnecessary self-importance displayed by many ministers.

“This often leads to diminishing Christ in the hearts of believers, disconnecting them from the source of life – Jesus Christ. Remember, every person’s work will be tested (1 Corinthians 3:10-15, 2 Timothy 2:20-21).”

He expressed hope that the conference will help refocus the church for the best results in the name of Jesus Christ.

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