
Ashimolowo visits Bishop Oyedepo, tweets about his 33 years of friendship

Founder of Kingsway International Christian Centre, Pastor Mathew Ashimolowo has tweeted about his 33 years of friendship with Bishop David Oyedepo shortly after a visit to Oyedepo.

Both Oyedepo and Ashimolowo have mutual respect for themselves.

Ashimolowo had in time past ministered at the Winners Chapel during which he spoke glowingly of Bishop Oyedepo.

In one of his messages at the Winners Chapel,  Ashimolowo described Oyedepo as a very consistent servant of God whose messages have been a source of blessing to many.

The two share a common history in evangelical Christianity dating back to the 70s and 80s and seem to share the same theology.

Here are pictures shared by Ashimolowo on his tweeter account:


Bishop Oyedepo and Ashimolowo



Ashimolowo, Faith and David Oyedepo