Anglican Bishop ignites Agro-Industrial Revolution, says, “We have food security in our diocese”

Rt Rev Ndubuisi Obi

The Bishop of Nnewi Diocese of the Anglican Communion, The Rt. Rev. Ndubuisi Obi has ignited an agro-industrial revolution in the east of Nigeria leading his diocese to invest massively in agriculture, health, education, and ICT

Some of his outstanding achievements in the diocese were put together in a post that has since gone viral.

He however outlined some other outstanding developments in the diocese in a recent phone interview with Church Times.

Obi who clocked five years as Bishop of the diocese on September 21 testified in the viral post that his diocese has large farms in “Okija, Ozubulu, Anaku, Igbariam parts of the east and it’s also planning to move into Akpugoeze and Ufuma before the end of the year. 

Agric revolution

He wrote, “In Okija, we have harvested large quantities of cucumber, watermelon, pineapple, green pepper as well as cassava, yam, etc. In Ozubulu, we have 40 large Fish ponds, a piggery section, a Poultry, and a snail section and we harvest different types of vegetables as we use an irrigation system to provide constant water to the farm.

“We have a large number of palm trees in both Okija and Ozubulu thus inspiring us to establish palm oil mills in both farms through which we sell our DONAC Palm Oil. We also have Garri Processing Machines in both Okija and Ozubulu wherein we process our cassava into Garri, thus our DONAC Garri in the market. The Plantain plantations in both farms gave birth to our DONAC PLANTAIN FLOUR. 

“We have established a full Rice Mill in Anaku, DONAC RICE MILL from where we roll out our DONAC PARBOILED RICE which dominates the market presently because of our reduced prices. We planted 50 Hectares of Rice on our farm at Igbariam and from start to packaging is done in our Rice Mill.”

He said also that the diocese has purchased an additional 5,000 plots of land for farming and agricultural purposes.

The diocese has a food market known as Donac Adon Food Market where the produce from its farms is sold at  cheaper rates to the public

The diocese has two Rehabilitation Centers where social derelicts are rehabilitated and empowered to make an impact in society. 

In the interview with Church Times, Obi revealed further that the diocese which has a farmers ‘cooperative society where profits are shared annually is currently partnering with FCMB and a company in China on its cassava project. He said the diocese runs a tissue-making factory known as ADON Glorious Tissues. It is described as one of the best in the market. 

ICT impact

On the church’s investment in ICT, he said, “Our Diocese established the first full-blown Artificial Intelligence/ Robotics/Coding Hub inside Bishop Uzodike Memorial Seminary, Nnewi. The World Bank is partnering with us to train 1,000 youths in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. We have established a Computer Based Tests Laboratory housing about 250 Computers with 24-hour internet facilities and we are teaching all related courses in Computer and ICT. About 903 Students took their JAMB Exams at the Center. 

“We also established a mega Photography Laboratory in Nnewi giving employment to our youths. We also have Alive Unto God Computer College where we teach all courses in Computer Education. We have also established the Adon Vocational and Technical Academy in Ozubulu, with full accommodation facilities where we teach Vocational Courses and Technical Courses to encourage our youths to be self-employed.”

The diocese also has Donac Adon Catering and Vocational Institute in Nnewichi and the Donac Adon Oil where it sells gas, petrol, and kerosene to the public

He said the diocese gives out free petroleum products to the masses occasionally to reduce the economic stress.

Education and health

Apart from the diocese’s investment in Agriculture and ICT, it has also invested heavily in the education and health sectors. The diocese currently has 23 secondary schools where students who are in the hostel pay as low as N65,000 per term. 

Its impact on the health sector is also unprecedented. Apart from establishing Adon College of Health Technology and several schools to train pharmacy technicians, it has gone further to establish clinics in several parishes in the diocese where some of the trained people are deployed to work

Soul winning project

Asked if the diocese is not being distracted from its soul-winning mandate, he said, “It is not in any way. We are so much involved in evangelical work in the diocese. Every morning, Monday to Friday we hold prayer meetings from 6 am to 7 am. I lead these prayer meetings. In the last five years, we have established 70 churches in the diocese.

The diocese has also been quite heavy on missions. Every year we devote a week to missions. It is usually the week before July 27 which is the anniversary of when the gospel came to East. During that week transportation is free within the diocese and we ensure that everywhere is bombarded with the gospel.

He disclosed further that the Diocese has its own Television Station, Alive Unto God TV through which the gospel is preached. It also has a printing press, known as Alive Unto God Printing press which he said is one of the best equipped Printing Press in the state.


He said what God has used him to do in the diocese is a testament that the church is still as relevant today as it was yesterday and can contribute positively to society.

Obi said he was a leader of the Anglican Youth Fellowship and the Evangelical Fellowship of Anglican Communion before he became a priest. “While I was a layman I discovered that many people complained that the church was not relevant and that the church was doing nothing. So when God called me to ministry, I decided to make a difference.”

He said he was a businessman, trading in textiles before the Lord called him to full-time ministry. “I have always been among the masses. I know what people complain about church leaders. When God in his mercy called me, I decided to make a difference. I decided to correct the wrong notion about priesthood and the church.”

While declaring that the Lord has used the diocese to create jobs for hundreds of people in the state, he said, he is hoping that the feat can be replicated in all the dioceses of the Anglican Communion and other denominations that may be so willing. “As of today, we can say we have food security in our diocese, whatever the economy of Nigeria is saying, we are not moved because God has helped us to beat hunger in this diocese. At the last General Synod of the Church of Nigeria which took place in Nnewi all the foods consumed were taken from our farms. We did not have to buy food from outside.

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