Africa’s Predestined Future: What must be done to access this reality.

By John Abiola

The “blacks” as we have often been referred to tend to be the most fortunate amongst races on planet earth. However, africans seem to know very little about it. This is probably because of the inhumane treatment and damages that has been meted against the continent, this seems to have made us forget the dealings that God has orchestrated with Africa and his progressive action to continue such dealings with her

Right from the pages of the Bible, we realize that God has chosen Africa, and his hand rests upon her for his divine purpose.

However, the devil who from the beginning of time has been an opponent to God’s plan did not stay unruffled when God decided to place his mighty hand upon Africa.

As God began placing sign marks of wonders and endowments upon her, like a roaring lion, satan began to work underneath the sleeves, igniting the fire of iniquity to destroy her destiny, defile her and make her the exact opposite of what God had beforehand orchestrated for her.

Nevertheless, regardless of laid out and even implemented plans of the dark kingdom, Africa will fulfill her great destiny.
Our anchor scripture, Zephaniah 3:9 unveils the original destiny of Africa, the mind of God for her, and the ordained life and purpose that God has predestined Africa to live and fulfill.

Zeph.3.10 – From beyond the rivers of Cush my worshipers, my scattered people, will bring me offerings.
Cush translates as Africa and sometimes often regarded as Ethiopia, Libya, Put or Phut, however, Africa best translates as Cush.
(Gen 2:13, Acts 8:27-39; Psalms 68:31 and Zephaniah 3:10; Ezekiel 30:5 and Acts 2:10.)

Apparently, God was speaking to Africa when He said “my worshipers” A worshiper is simply one who reverence, worship or honour. In the new testament, a true worshiper is one who worships in spirit and in truth -speaking of sincerity, holiness and deep connection.

True worship

Worship does not necessarily end in it’s literal meaning as a compilation of songs that sits on the fence of our lips, nor an act of praise to God. Worship transcends beyond that, it extends as an heart posture, code of conduct, behaviour and appearance amongst others.

In fact, a true life of worship is known through a life that burns for God.

We see the life of the Apostles during the primordial era. In one word, theirs was a life of worship unto God, devotedly engrossed in their service to God. A worshiper is also one who is given to the servanthood ministry, the one Paul calls a “bondservant of God”( Romans 1:1-15).

A true worshiper is first weighed on the scale of love, that is one who is first sincerely in love with something and then births an act of worship, deeply reverent, in awe and respect. A true worshiper is a faithful steward in the vineyard of God.
We see explicitly that God is pointing to the destined life of all Africans. God unveils the future of Africa, as a race of people who will be given to the things of God in true sincerity and love.

They would be a race engrossed in the true service of God. Part of what Satan saw and decided to twart, knowing fully that if she manifests this reality, his kingdom would be at stake and his captives set free. One of such prophecies upon Africa is “ For from you will come a company, a troop, a brigade; they will march with a blazing message of my love!

They will march to the steps of destiny and they will bring a Word from the Lord to the uttermost parts of the earth.
I will break now the curses that have brought drought and famine.Through your children’s prayers I will break the chains that hang on your nation’s neck”. (By Chad Taylor).

Fully aware that a united troop of worshipers can wreck his kingdom and establish the Kingdom of God on earth, satan wages war against them.

The disciples were able to turn their world upside down because they were true worshipers, they were drunk in the wine of true worship. In Romans 9:3 Paul, being heavily drunk said that He wished he could become accursed for the salvation of his kinsmen, Israel. Hell dreads such kind of crazy lovers of God.

Moses was drunk in this same wine that during Intercession he told God to kill him for the sake of Israel.(Exodus 32:9-14).

Worshipers are true soldiers of God, readily causing confusion in the camp of the enemies,  oftentimes driven with a mindset of God and His kingdom. As a result , they are devoted to the things of God and in the habit of destroying Satan’s work and activities.

Now moving on, God spoke saying “my scattered people, will bring me offerings”

In the old testament, an offering was made on the altar unto God. But before the offering, the altar was first established. More also, before any offering could be accepted, the individual or individuals making the offering must be right with God, rather ‘consecrated’. We saw in Genesis how God rejected Cain’s offering because of his wrong heart posture ( Gen.4:4-5).

Several old testament biblical accounts reveal that God accepted offerings from those who fulfilled certain requirements (holy) or commandments. Psalms 51:17  “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise). Many times, God dispensed punishment upon certain people who so to speak _unconsecratedly_ offered offerings unto God, refusing to meet certain criterion before such offerings.

This sends a signal to Africans – a change of heart, revival, reformation and her renewal before she can ever offer acceptable offerings of worship unto God.  That speaks of cleansing and purging before delivering holy and acceptable offerings to God.


God needs to first purge her from all spiritual impurities, then position her as an holy priest, worthy of offering burnt offerings of true worship unto God. In a nutshell, her destined life of true worship can only be fulfilled after God had purged, cleansed and sanctified her, clothed her with a garment of righteousness and holiness in Christ alone, totally separated from her  idolatry, sins, wickedness, evil, injustice, corruption, abominations… Then validate and induct her into the service of true worship and true delivery of burnt offerings.

Otherwise, whatsoever offerings offered would be unacceptable, devoid of power and strength to cause the necessary havoc in the kingdom of darkness.

Remember, it was Noah’s separation from sin and iniquities, being just and perfect as the scripture recorded (Gen 8:21) that spared him and his family alone from the destruction that could have ended the world. Moreover, Noah also offered burnt offerings to God.

However, according to scriptures, repentance comes before before God begins purging (Acts 3:19).

In 1John1:9, God reveals that before cleansing or receiving forgiveness, there must first be an act of true confession of sin and repentance.

Also, in Joel 2:13&14, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 some of the criterion to accessing forgiveness which  forgiveness is through confession of sin and repentance.

Being fully acquainted with the prevalence of idolatry, sin, corruption, wickedness, injustice,war, terrorism, killing, war… that is prevalent in Africa, all this being orchestrated by the devil to hinder God’s plan from being fulfilled. However, God who knows the end of a thing from the beginning opened another portal for Africa to meet the requirements of fulfilling her destiny.

This is the way of repentance, revival of heart, confession of sin that would purge her from those deposits Satan transfused into her, then position her on the apogee of delivering true burnt offerings of worship, fulfilling her ordained mandate and purpose.

Another season for Africa is here again, another significant time in God’s calendar for Africa. It’s is a time for us in Africa to approach God in true sincerity of heart to repent, confess our sins to God and access God’s blessings of forgiveness, revival and renewal.

*Important Reminder*

Join us and millions of people across the globe on the 21st of December, for a day of fasting, prayer and repentance to access God’s forgiveness to be transported into the reality of fulfilling our destined mandate as true worshipers, offering burnt and acceptable offerings.

Join us as we access the revival of our continent and our emancipation from the bondage of satanic oppression.
Wherever you find yourself on that day, join us to fast and pray to redeem our continent from the fiery wells of iniquity.

Join faith with millions across the globe, to fast and pray to redeem our continent from the fiery wells of iniquity.

Zephaniah.3.10 – From beyond the rivers of Cush my worshipers, my scattered people will bring me offerings.

Mathew 4:17 – From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

2 Peter 3:9 – The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

Revive Us Again series 104.

*John Abiola, a full-time Intercessor for revival, founder of Nigeria Global Intercessors, and author of the online revival publications- Revive Us Again series.*
09094797789 (WhatsApp and sms only).

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