Adeboye to critics: I asked only my children to fast not everybody, urges all to pay attention to his 2025 prophecies

Concerned about the growing criticism of the 100- day fast that he declared for members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, the General Overseer of the church, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has said there was no time he asked people outside the church to fast.

He said when he declared the fast, he was talking only to his children. By that he meant only members of the RCCG.

Adeboye who was speaking at the February 2025 Holy Ghost Night of the church monitored by Church Times said he was taken aback when people were annoyed because he asked his children to fast.

Mockers will increase

Referring to his prophecy early in the year, he said people should pay attention to what the Lord said. ‘Remember I said mockers will increase in the new year.

‘ They are going to be more vicious. It’s already happening. One fellow was so critical of me and was bitter that I asked people to fast. But I only asked my children to fast not everybody’

He said some of his admirers were so enraged by the fellow criticising him that he was arrested. ‘I have asked them to release him because he is fulfilling prophecy. But for my children it’s glory ahead. ‘

Beware of fire

Adeboye drew attention of his listeners to the prophecy on fire outbreaks on the international scene. He said the prophecy is already coming to pass citing the occurrence in California, USA

He warned that people should not joke with fire this year. ‘Don’t joke with fire this year. If you find a little fire, naked fire put it out. Don’t joke with naked fire at all. Don’t bother burning bush now.

“Gather what you want to burn and leave it. It will be useful later. Beware of naked fire this year. Clear the drainage near your place because our own rain has not started. Pray no flood, no fire.’


He told the congregation that tribulation is a given in the church and for those who follow Jesus.

‘There will be fire to pass through. You can’t be a true Christian without passing through the water and passing through the fire.’ He said.

Adeboye reminisced that he too had passed though fire recalling how he left certainty for uncertainty to become the General Overseer of the RCCG.

‘I became General Overseer in 1981. I did not want to be full time. I tried to resist it. But I had to obey God. At that time my salary was more than the annual income of the church. But I left my lecturing job and became G.O.

“We started living in camp in 1986. There were times when we had no N1 tto pay to pass the toll gate to Lagos.

“ We had to stay back at home in camp. I remember I used to tell my wife then that perhaps there would be accident on the road and God did not want us to be victim. That was not true. It was simply because we had no money. There was not going to be any accident.’

He assured however that ‘the sum total of the Christian race is this at last we win. In Isaiah 63v10 tells us, say to the righteous it shall be well with him.’

While urging his listeners not to despair, he said, ‘The more the tests and trials the bigger the testimonies.’

He cited instances of many people in the Bible who went through challenges and troubles but came out victorious. ‘There are people who go through a lot but at the end they have testimonies to share. Stand firm. God is on your side. At the end you will win.’

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